The world leader in paper web inspection, web break monitoring and vision applications

The world leader in web inspection, web break monitoring and vision applications for pulp, paper and print industries

Solutions for Paper and Board

Integrated Paper Web Break Monitoring and Paper Web Inspection System

Cost and quality control, business strategy and project management concept. Businessman working on digital tablet with quality control growth graph and cost reduction, effective business

Vision Applications

AI-enhanced vision applications and analysis tools to cover different paper, board, pulp and print manufacturing stages

Service & Support

Our service and support solutions ensure that your production and processes run smoothly and without interruptions

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Web Inspection system and Web Monitoring system

Insights and Articles

Procemex closes four major Web Monitoring and Web Inspection system orders with one of China’s largest Paper and Board manufacturer

Collaboration with Procemex and One of China’s largest paper manufacturing group continues.

The company has placed three major orders for Procemex-OnePlatform Web Monitoring & Web Inspection Systems for their three Board Production Lines and one system order for their Paper Production Line.

The system deliveries are completed with leading-edge ProClean Pinhole Camera Technology for web break monitoring and advanced defect inspection performance. Matrix cameras enhance line efficiency and maximize product quality. Two of these lines will contain automatic target control (ATC) system which will boost the overall line efficiency and reduce the number of customer claims. The commissioning of the deliveries takes place in 2023.

Insights and Articles

Nippon Dynawave Packaging increases superior product quality with Procemex Web Inspection solution

Nippon Dynawave Packaging, manufacturer of the highest quality paperboard for cartons and cups, has chosen Procemex to provide a 3D Crystal Web Inspection solution for their L3 product line.

The Procemex 3D web inspection solution will ensure that the product of the paper machine will be free from paper machine defects such as indents, outdents, wrinkles, and other by-products of the paper making process Continue reading


How Procemex ProClean Pinhole camera images looked after six months from installation

I have been working in the paper industry for several years in Indonesia. During this time, I have traveled across different areas in Indonesia and visited dozens of paper mills. It has been very exciting to see with my own eyes the extreme conditions, where the paper web monitoring cameras must perform optimally, to provide accurate images to mill operators, enabling them to enhance production line efficiency and recognize paper web defects accurately and on time.

I thought it would be interesting to take before and after images with Procemex ProClean Pinhole Cameras, and see, how they perform and maintain the image quality in harsh paper mill conditions, six months after installation. Read More

Web Inspection system and Web Monitoring system

Insights and Articles

Procemex closes four major Web Monitoring and Web Inspection system orders with one of China’s largest Paper and Board manufacturer

Collaboration with Procemex and One of China’s largest paper manufacturing group continues.

The company has placed three major orders for Procemex-OnePlatform Web Monitoring & Web Inspection Systems for their three Board Production Lines and one system order for their Paper Production Line.

The system deliveries are completed with leading-edge ProClean Pinhole Camera Technology for web break monitoring and advanced defect inspection performance. Matrix cameras enhance line efficiency and maximize product quality. Two of these lines will contain automatic target control (ATC) system which will boost the overall line efficiency and reduce the number of customer claims. The commissioning of the deliveries takes place in 2023.

Insights and Articles

Nippon Dynawave Packaging increases superior product quality with Procemex Web Inspection solution

Nippon Dynawave Packaging, manufacturer of the highest quality paperboard for cartons and cups, has chosen Procemex to provide a 3D Crystal Web Inspection solution for their L3 product line.

The Procemex 3D web inspection solution will ensure that the product of the paper machine will be free from paper machine defects such as indents, outdents, wrinkles, and other by-products of the paper making process Continue reading

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Video: Procemex OnePlatform

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Video: Dryline Analysis

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Video: How Procemex Remote Services work

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Video: Procemex 3D Defect Detection Technology

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Video: 8 Reasons to Choose Procemex OnePlatform

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Video: Automatic Threading Rope Monitoring

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